Memory Box
Memory Box

Memory Box

€39,99 EUR

Babies grow up so fast. Before you know it, they’ll be taking their first steps toward school. You’ll be there to experience it all: from every laugh to every tear. Every first moment .

To keep all those precious memories safe, we created this beautiful memory box. A place for all the little milestones: from first ultrasound to first peanut, and everything in between.

What do you find in the box?

  • Envelope for the first ultrasound
  • Envelope for the first lock of hair
  • First Word Card
  • Envelope for the first drawing
  • Paco the Peanut Teething Ring
  • Box for baby teeth
  • Measuring tape to keep track of every inch of growth

And of course my first peanut set, for an allergy-free future:

Memory Box

€39,99 EUR

The easiest way to introduce allergens

How do I give the starter kit?

step 1

Do the check

Scan the QR code for your daily check in.

This way you know better what to look out for.

step 2

Mix and stir

Mix the contents of the sachet or capsule with your baby's food.

Each day is clearly marked on the packaging.

step 3

The next hour

Pay close attention to any reactions during and after eating

Continue with each allergen for 6 months

How do I give the follow-up kit?

step 1

Vegetable or fruit snack

Prepare or choose the snack you want for your baby.

Need some inspiration? Check out our recipes!

step 2

Add your Vini Mini scoops

Add the follow-up kit to the snack and stir it in

step 3

1x per week

Give your little one Vini Mini weekly, for at least 6 months .

Longer is of course also possible



Did you know that you can also give Flips to your little one from 6 months ?

These are great when your little one is teething