The easiest way to give peanuts and nuts to your baby

As a parent, you have enough on your plate. Let us provide the right plate for your baby.

Prevent food allergies in your baby

Research shows that introducing allergens early can reduce the risk of food allergies by 80%.

1 in 4 children

in Europe has an allergy

And that will be 1 in 2 children

If we do nothing, more than half will have an allergy by 2050

Stop food allergy

Science shows that 80% of food allergies can be prevented!

In the blink of an eye

Add your Vini Mini to your baby's snack. We've done the customization.

When and how to start?

From 6 months

Get started in 3 steps

The advice of the Child Health Clinic is to give peanuts, eggs and nuts to children from 6 months of age , if they do not suffer from eczema or food allergies (in the family) in 3 progressive steps.

From 4 months

Get started in 6/7 steps

Does your baby have eczema or a food allergy? And/or someone in the family has a food allergy?

Start from 4 months , and choose smaller building steps for the first time (6 or 7).

for 6 months

Keep giving weekly

Give peanuts, eggs and nuts at least once a week for a period of 6 months.

This way you teach the immune system to recognize peanuts, eggs and nuts and prevent allergies later in life.


Per allergeen

Starten en opvolgen

Elke introductie bestaat uit twee stappen:

  1. Testen voor een reactie met de startkit
  2. Immuunsysteem laten wennen met de opvolgkit

Stap voor stap

Samen met de experts hebben wij de specifieke volgorde om de allergenen te introduceren uitgewerkt

— en zo makkelijk mogelijk gemaakt

Why Vini Mini?

Parenting is challenging enough

Introducing allergens doesn't have to be


So no added salt & sugar


The correct dosage of powder can easily be stirred into baby food


Based on scientific literature

Also for sale at


Super fine products

Despite a successful provocation test on peanuts a few years ago, I never dared to eat peanuts at home. This was because of the uncertainty whether I would not have a reaction when eating a larger amount. With the products of Vini Mini I was able to gradually build up the eating of peanuts. I have had both the starter kit (3 steps), the follow-up kit and the flips. Thanks to using the products I now finally eat peanuts with a sense of security.

Anouk Verstappen

Great products that make it easy to introduce your child to peanut. I used the starter kit myself, after which I immediately ordered the follow-up kit and flips (as a snack or for on the go!). The powder is easy to mix with the snacks that I give to my daughter and the dosage makes it easier to use than, for example, peanut butter. Super satisfied!

Ellen Splithoven

What an asset!

What an asset! Introduce my little one to peanuts in a safe way. I myself have had a lot to do with allergies, which is why I am very happy with the product from Vini Mini. First I tried the test kit and then gave her the recommended amount through her milk for half a year. Thanks Vini Mini! I can't wait for the new products that are coming!