Consult with doctor
Whether it is better to give peanuts and eggs in the hospital or at home depends on the age and risk factors of your baby.
First answer 4 questions in the test to see if you can also start with peanut & egg at home.
In the following situations it is recommended to give peanut and egg in the hospital
- Your baby is older than 8 months and has moderate to severe eczema
- There is an earlier acute reaction been on another food
In the following situations, consult your doctor about the best route to take
Consult a GP or child health clinic if:
- Your baby is between 6-8 months old and has moderate to severe eczema
- There is a food allergy in the family or another reason that you find it exciting to introduce at home
Which hospitals can I go to to give peanuts and eggs to my baby?
Below is a list of hospitals where you can go with your baby:
- Reinier de Graaf Hospital, Delft
- Martini Allergy Center, Groningen
- Northwest Hospitals, Alkmaar location
- Deventer Hospital, Deventer
- Elkerliek Hospital, Helmond
- Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven
- Erasmus MC/Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam
- Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam
- Deaconess House Utrecht
- Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht
How does a hospital introduction (clinical introduction) work?
If you would like to know exactly what happens during an induction in the hospital, read the blog here .
If you would like further information or have specific questions, please contact us by email !