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Questions about using the Vini Mini products

1. User manual

If you have lost the user manual of your product; find the digital versions here.

2. What is the difference between my first peanut in 3 steps or in 6 steps?

Together with a pediatrician-allergist we have a test developed to determine which product is most suitable
is for your Mini.

For children with an allergic predisposition or for parents who find it quite exciting to give peanuts for the first time
to their Mini, we offer my first peanut in 6 steps. Here are the
steps slightly smaller and the build-up is a bit longer. For all other children we offer the my first peanut in 3 steps .

3. Is there another way I can give peanuts to my Mini?

We think it is important that as many parents as possible give peanuts to their Mini early and often. That's why we also have the
schedules where parents
can give peanut butter on our site. However, we do see a number of differences compared to others
(pea)nut products:

The product is:

- Healthy: contains no added salt or sugar

- Easy: high in protein, so you have to give less than, for example, peanut butter

- Reliable: free from traces of other allergens and measured quantity according to scientific

4. Why is it important that you keep giving peanuts for 6 months?

Scientific research shows that your Mini most often develops an allergy in the first year of life. If you
If you have given your Mini peanut for the first time, it is then very important that you continue to do this weekly to
prevent your Mini from developing an allergy.

5. Which food products can I stir the supplements through?

De my first peanut
can in principle be stirred into all first solids.

On our website we share some recipes to give you inspiration how to make healthy meals with our products.

6. How often should I give my first (pe)anut Follow-up kit?

The recommended dose is one-two scoop(s) of the supplied measuring spoon weekly for a period of six months.
You can of course divide this dose over several days of the week.

7. Can I use my first peanut products if my Mini has another allergy?

My first peanut products contain no (traces of) other allergens. We recommend that you first the Vini Mini test to do
and to contact the doctor if this comes from the test or if there is any doubt.

8. How do I recognize a comment?

There is a difference between an acute reaction and a later reaction.

Acute response here means an IgE-mediated response, in which an immune system response
takes place. The complaints arise immediately after eating (between 1 minute and 2 hours) and usually consist of skin reactions
(especially hives/hives or facial swelling), acute vomiting, red watery eyes and runny nose and wheezing
inhale or exhale.

A later response: the next day or longer than 2 hours; are not signs of an IgE-mediated allergy, but
are also very annoying. This usually manifests itself in a skin rash or abdominal pain/cramps.

9. What should I do if there is a response?

In case of a reaction, stop giving peanut products immediately and contact your doctor.

10. How do I know which product is suitable for my Mini

Together with a pediatrician-allergist we have a test developed to determine which product is most suitable is for your baby.

11. Why don't you have products with other allergens?

We are busy with further product development and research for other allergens in collaboration with hospitals and doctors. Sign up for our newsletter if we need to keep you informed about this

Science questions and difficult words

Questions about mission of Vini Mini

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