Are you already giving your little one peanut, egg, and nuts?

We help parents by introducing allergens to a baby.

Advice for your baby

Giving peanuts for the first time in 3 or 6 Steps

Based on scientific research we developed my first peanut & nuts Startkits in 3 and 6 steps. These products contain the right dosage of (pea)nut flour to give to your baby for the first time. This way you can introduce (pea)nuts to your baby step by step.

Always do the Vini Mini test to see which product best suits your baby.

Hoe geef je voor het eerst pinda aan je baby? Voor het eerst pinda geven aan je baby in 3 stappen. Schema waarmee je in 3 stappen pinda kan geven aan je kleintje. Testen of je baby een pinda-allergie heeft. Hoe kan je een pinda-allergie voorkomen?

My First Follow-up Kit to keep giving allergens on a weekly basis

If your baby went through our my first peanut or nuts in 3 or 6 steps without any problems, it is important to continue to give allergens on a weekly basis. For this, you can use our my first Follow-up kit.

Our Follow-up Kit contains 100% peanut and/or nut flour and a measuring spoon makes it easy to administer the correct dose every week and add to the meal of your Mini.

Before you buy our products, always take the Vini Mini test.

Hoeveel pindakaas moet ik wekelijks blijven geven aan mijn baby. Hoe voorkom ik een voedselallergie bij mijn baby. Alternatief voor pindakaas om aan je baby te geven. Pinda-allergie voorkomen. Schema om pinda te geven aan je baby. Pinda. Pindakaas

My first peanut Flips

Next to our Follow-up kits we offer peanut & tree nut Flips: the easy & healthy snack for your baby!

Also older children love this snack! The Flips are made of peanut or tree nuts & corn. Enjoy!!

Well known from / Available at

Prevention is better then cure

Healthcare professionals and the Voedingscentrum recommend introducing allergens early and often to a baby. But how do you do this with products suitable for babies and ensure you give them in the right amount? Our healthy, easy, and reliable food supplements & products are here to help you. Breastfeeding is the most important food for your baby for the first 6 months.
When to give peanut & egg to your Mini?

The advice from healthcare professionals: start giving allergenic foods before the age of 6 or 8 months, depending on your baby's predisposition. The starting point and quantity may vary for each baby. Take our Vini Mini test for this purpose.

Why give peanut-nut & egg to your baby?

The number of children with food allergies has doubled in the past 10 years. Scientific research shows that you should introduce allergens to a baby early and often.

How to give peanut & egg to your Mini?

Once your Mini is used to the first solids, you can start with peanuts, nuts and egg. Use my first schedule and then continue to give them on a weekly basis. You can use our products for this.


from users

My first peanut in 3 or 6 steps is an easy and structured way for parents who are a bit scared about introducing peanuts. I would recommend this product.

My first peanut follow-up kit is easy to dose, you know for sure that you give the right amount and it is easy to mix. I would recommend this product.

We gave Timo my first peanut in 3 steps and it was a success. Now we give him the follow-up kit every week. The product is easy to use and has a clear description of how and when to give it. We are very happy with this tool to reduce the risk of food allergies and we certainly recommend it to other parents.

I discovered Vini Mini on the 9-month fair. At that time, my daughter was still too young...but as soon as she was ready for it, I ordered Vini Mini! It is a top product!

Wij gebruiken de verschillende producten van Vini Mini binnen onze provocatietesten en zijn enorm tevreden met de kwaliteit van het product en hun goede service. 

Ook verkrijgbaar bij:

For Your Mini and Another Mini

We believe EVERY Mini deserves the same chance for a healthy & happy start in life. Buy for your Mini and give to another Mini! 10% of our proceeds is reserved for parents who have less to spend.

Preventie in de eerste 1000 dagen, van zwangerschap tot je kindje 2 jaar is. Voorkom voedselallergie. Voedingssupplementen die je gemakkelijk door je hapje van je baby roert. Afgewogen stapjes om voor het eerst pinda te geven aan je baby.