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The 6 golden tips to reduce eczema in your baby

The 6 golden tips to reduce eczema in your baby
Does your baby suffer from red eczema patches on the skin that itch terribly and have crusts, bumps, cracks, and flakes all over? Then we're talking about eczema. Because even though scratching may seem to provide relief, it only makes the itching and eczema worse. That's why we're sharing the best tips and advice in this blog for treating eczema and reducing itching in your baby.

    "Eczema can have a significant impact on children and the whole family. Careful guidance and education can prevent and reduce so much suffering."

    -  Thomas Rustemeyer, Professor and dermatologist.

    1. Stop Scratching

      Eczema and itching often go hand in hand. Avoid scratching. Stopping scratching can help reduce both eczema and itching.

      • Trim your little one's nails frequently. When your baby continues to scratch, it perpetuates the condition and further damages the already compromised skin.
      • You can put socks or mittens on your baby's hands. This helps prevent further damage to the skin.
      • Distract your child when they start scratching. For example, reading a story or playing a game. This can also help to distract from the itch and thus reduce damage to the skin.
      • Gently pat the skin, this prevents damage to the skin.

      2. Prevent Skin Dryness

        A dry skin is even more sensitive and itches even more. The following tips help prevent skin dryness:

        • Try to avoid or reduce the use of shampoo, soap, and bath foam.
        • During freezing temperatures, the skin should be extra protected, as the cold dries out the skin and causes itching.
        • Apply a fatty cream or cetomacrogol ointment to the skin after showering.
        • Adding oatmeal to the bath can help reduce itching and redness while restoring moisture balance.

        Use as little water as possible to prevent skin dryness:

        • Do not shower or bathe more than 2 or 3 times a week. When showering, make sure the water is not hotter than 37 degrees Celsius and do not stay in the bath or shower for longer than 5 minutes.
        • Wash your hands as little as possible.

        3. Utilize the Cold

          Cold can actually reduce itching and can be applied in multiple ways. However, it's important to monitor your little one for rapid temperature drops:

          • Use a cream with a cooling base. This will have a soothing effect.
          • Wrap a cold object (cool pack, ice cube, frozen peas bag) in a tea towel and place it on the itchy areas to reduce itching attacks.

          4. Clothing Choice

            Your clothing is in contact with your skin for a large part of the day. This can also exacerbate itching.

            • Therefore, opt for clothing made of soft and natural fabrics such as cotton and silk.
            • Abrasive clothing such as wool and non-breathable fabrics like nylon should be avoided. Loose-fitting clothing is a better choice.
            • There is also eczema clothing available, made from 100% natural materials: Lyocell and Zinc, which nourish and repair the skin.

            5. Sunlight

              In most cases, eczema responds well to sunlight. This means that most people experience fewer symptoms of the skin condition in the summer.

              • While the sun is beneficial, sweating is not. New eczema can develop in areas where the skin becomes damp.

              6. Additional Tips

                In addition to the above tips, here are some other tips that may help reduce eczema in your baby:

                • Avoid using fabric softeners, as they often remain in clothing and can cause itching.
                • While stress and infections are not direct causes, they can exacerbate symptoms by agitating the immune system.
                • A cool bedroom with good ventilation works better. Sleep under one or more sheets instead of a duvet.
                • Ensure overall good ventilation in the home. Dry air can worsen eczema and itching.
                • Consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and a treatment plan that suits your baby's needs. Eczema can have a very big impact on children and the whole family. Careful guidance and education can prevent and reduce a lot of suffering.

                Concluding words

                Having eczema can be a frustrating condition, both for you and your little one. Fortunately, there are various tips and strategies that can help alleviate symptoms and soothe the skin. Hydrating the skin is crucial and preventing dehydration is essential. Avoiding irritating substances such as perfume, soap, and shampoo is also important to protect the skin. As a final tip, seeking advice from a dermatologist for a personalized treatment plan is wise to address severe symptoms. With the right approach and care, eczema can be well managed and symptoms can be reduced.



                Arts en Zorg

                De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie





                The itchy truth: the connection between eczema and food allergies unraveled

                The itchy truth: the connection between eczema and food allergies unraveled

                Babies who suffer from eczema in their first year of life are often confronted with a lot of itching. As a parent of a baby who suffers from eczema, it can be a difficult and worrying time. You see your little one scratching constantly and may worry about the consequences. It can be reassuring to know that some children grow out of eczema. However, eczema can be associated with a predisposition to various (food) allergies. It is important as a parent to be alert to possible food allergies and take the right steps to keep your baby comfortable and healthy. This article reveals the link between eczema and food allergies and what you as a parent can do yourself!


                “It concerns approximately 20% of children and 2-5% of adults,” - Marjolein de Bruin, dermatologist and researcher UMC Utrecht


                 What causes baby eczema?

                The exact cause of eczema is not known, but hereditary predisposition plays an important role. It often occurs in families with a predisposition to allergies such as hay fever, asthma and food allergies. It is usually unclear which environmental factors play a role. Often it concerns several factors at the same time. It is not possible to change the genetic predisposition to eczema, but the factors that trigger the condition can be influenced


                What are the risks of eczema with babies?

                Eczema is not caused by food allergies. However, babies with eczema are more likely to suffer from this. About 30-40% of babies with eczema also develop a food allergy, such as chicken eggs, cow's milk, peanuts and tree nuts. The explanation for this is that the skin normally provides good protection that ensures that nothing can easily enter the body. If the skin barrier is broken - for example in the case of eczema - certain substances can enter the body via this abnormal route. Consider allergens such as dust mites, proteins from eggs, milk or peanuts, which can cause an allergic reaction.


                Defense reaction

                In babies with eczema, the body may regard foods that enter through the skin as foreign, which can lead to an immune response. This can manifest itself in acute reactions such as swelling, shortness of breath and vomiting. An allergic reaction can worsen existing eczema by activating the immune system. This reaction on the skin shows differences from that of eczema. Although eczema is more common in children with allergies, eczema is not caused by allergies. Food allergy usually does not play a role in the development of eczema. In rare cases, food allergies can trigger a flare-up of eczema.


                How can a food allergy be prevented in a baby with eczema?

                It is important to treat eczema with a cream that soothes and protects the skin. The risk of a food allergy is much higher if food enters through the broken skin. Would you like more information on this? Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.

                Furthermore, it is important not to put babies with eczema on a diet and to introduce them to peanuts, chicken eggs, and nuts as early as possible to prevent allergies. You can do this by feeding your baby peanuts, eggs, and nuts. This helps the body recognize them as food. If children continue to eat peanuts, nuts, or eggs, it becomes difficult for the body to develop a new allergy. The recommendation for babies with eczema is to start introducing peanuts, nuts, and eggs before 6 months of age. By starting early with the introduction of different food allergens to your baby, it is possible to reduce the risk of food allergies.


                Concluding Advice

                Yes, if your baby has eczema, it is essential to be extra vigilant about food allergies. Babies with eczema are at a higher risk of developing food allergies, which can exacerbate their eczema and affect their overall health. By introducing allergenic foods early and using the right skincare products, you can help prevent your baby from developing food allergies. It is important to understand this connection between eczema and food allergies and to take proactive steps to protect your baby's health.  Use our various starter kits to introduce allergens to your baby in a healthy, safe, and easy way. Safe because our products are measured in 3 or 6 escalating steps. Healthy because they are free from additives such as salt and sugar, and easy because the product the powders are easy to stir trough babyfoods.