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Scratching and crying: the visible signs of eczema

Scratching and crying: the visible signs of eczema

It is logical that as a parent, you worry a lot when your baby's skin is covered in red spots. Eczema in your baby is incredibly uncomfortable. Not only for you as a parent, but also for the child themselves. It is good to know that many babies suffer from eczema and that it often just goes away. It is important to recognize the symptoms of baby eczema in time, so you can start the right treatment and take optimal care of your little one's skin. Do you want to know how to quickly recognize eczema? Then read this blog!

'Usually the complaints start in infancy with eczema. This is followed by asthma, a food allergy, and hay fever. These diseases often occur together, although not everyone gets all four.'

- Suzanne Pasmans, dermatologist and professor of pediatric dermatology

What are the symptoms of eczema?

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. Substances released during the inflammation stimulate the nerves in the skin. This explains why babies and children with eczema often have a lot of itching. Children and babies scratch the spots a lot, sometimes until they bleed, which can lead to wounds and scabs. They often have a dry, rough, and flaky skin that feels tight. This is very uncomfortable for both the child and the parent. Eczema can be divided into two phases: acute and chronic.

An acute attack often lasts for a few days to weeks. Characteristics of acute eczema: 

  • Severe itching 
  • Red, warm, and swollen skin 
  • Formation of bumps on the skin 
  • Formation of fluid-filled blisters on the skin.

With chronic eczema, the redness decreases. Characteristics of chronic eczema:

  • Dry skin, flaking 
  • Swelling of the skin 
  • Formation of coarser skin lines 
  • Formation of cracks

Eczema can develop within a few weeks after birth. It often starts with dry skin (feeling like sandpaper) but calms down after the first year. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. 

 Where does eczema appear?

Skin rash can appear anywhere on the body, but eczema is often found in specific places. In babies, for example, it often starts on the face and can be recognized by the redness and flaking on the cheeks, on top of the head, and behind the ears (often with cracks visible at the earlobes). When these spots are moist, it is also called eczema craquele. Eczema can spread all over the body. Think of the trunk, arms, legs, hands, around the mouth, and the neck. Usually, eczema is not found within the diaper area.

In toddlers, eczema is mainly found in the skin folds at the joints, such as the elbows, knees, wrists, and ankles. In addition, you may also encounter eczema around the eyes, in the neck, and neck. After the age of ten, mainly the hands, feet, and flexor side of the elbows and knees are still affected.

Eczema at a young age (conclusion)

Eczema is a skin disease that often occurs in children and babies. The first signs of a rash can occur within the first year of life. It often starts between the ages of 0 to 4 years. However, eczema is not age-dependent and can occur at any age. Fortunately, most children grow out of eczema and do not have it later in life. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to predict if a child will continue to have eczema throughout their life. Often, the older you get, the less severe the eczema. But it can also work the other way around. For example, it can also temporarily worsen or improve: periods with a lot of complaints can be alternated with periods with few complaints.

If a child already has eczema at an early age, there is a risk that your child may develop a food allergy. You can prevent this by starting to feed allergens in the early stages (around 4-6 months). This ensures that a child has a small chance of developing eczema. Vini Mini products can help prevent a food allergy. Vini Mini offers starter kits of different allergens that are safe, healthy, and easy to use.



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