My first peanut in 6 Steps
My first peanut in 6 Steps
Before you start giving peanuts, always first take the Vini Mini test!
We have developed My first peanut in 6 steps to give peanut for the first time in an easy, healthy and safe way.
The product is:
- Healthy: No added salt or sugar
- Easy: high in protein, so you have to give half the portion of for example, peanut butter
- Safe: free from traces of other allergens and measured quantity based on scientific research
This product is made from peanut flour and tapioca flour divided into 6 steps.* The capsules can easily be opened and the content can easily be mixed with your baby's fruits and vegetables.**
If you successfully completed all the steps of my first peanut in 6 steps you can continue with my first peanut Follow-up kit to keep giving peanuts to your baby.
*If your Mini has been diagnosed with a peanut allergy or you suspect an allergy, you cannot give our products to him or her without consulting the attending physician or the health center.
** Until the age of 6 months, breastfeeding is the most important food and the first snacks are only intended as an extra moment between breast and bottle feeding. Before you start, always consult with the consultation office.
Ingredients: PEANUT flour, tapioca flour
Step 1: 200 mg in capsule: 180 mg tapioca flour + 20 mg peanut flour
Step 2: 300 mg in capsule: 240 mg tapioca flour + 60 mg peanut flour
Step 3: 300 mg in capsule: 100 mg tapioca flour + 200 mg peanut flour
Step 4: 600 mg peanut flour in capsule
Step 5: 2,000 mg peanut flour in sachet
Step 6: 4,000 mg peanut flour in sachet